Beatbuddy Mini 2 Drum Pedal – Open Box. Open Box. The BeatBuddy MINI 2 drummer pedal is a more compact and affordable version of the award winning BeatBuddy drummer pedal. It’s used by School of Rock, Taylor Robinson Guitar, Frost School of Music (University of Miami), and more as a tool for efficient and engaging practice. The ability to play along with beats sampled from professional drummers and control them with nothing but your feet will help you improve your musical talent faster than ever before. Most importantly, the fun you’ll be having along the way will keep you coming back for more. Press the pedal to start the beat with an intro fill. Press and hold the pedal to transition to a song’s next part (verse to chorus). Double tap the pedal to end the song with an outro fill. Use the built in visual metronome to keep on the beat. 7 x 2.7 x 2.5 in. We are authorized dealers for all these brands. We operate a 30-day return period. A 10% re-stock is more likely if the unit comes back in mint condition. Also, Items which we do not normally stock i. “Special Orders”, discontinued products, close-outs, used products, etc. We strongly suggest that you check your order after receiving it to be sure that it is in proper working order.