This means that with the full Janus system, one could alternate operating the opening and closing of the hi-hat cymbals, with the double pedal bass drum effect, without moving your left foot from the left pedal. Ordinarily one would have to either be playing the hi-hat stand pedal, to play the hi hat, or be playing the double bass drum, and would have to move your foot from one pedal to the other and back as you alternated between the two. By not having to move your foot from the one pedal that alternatively operated both, you could obviously make a much quicker, and exact switch from the hi hat function to the double bass drum function with your left foot!!!! These are not easy to find. Mind you, this is not just a double bass drum pedal, although it, when clicked to the right, functions that way (very fluently I might add), I can tell you from years of experience with this innovation, that there is nothing quite like switching back and forth from hihat play to double bass drum play without moving your foot off the left pedal!!!! Hopefully, I’ll be able to attach a video of this functon with this listing. I know that they are no longer made. It amazes me that such is the case. This combination double bass drum, hi-hat stand will without a doubt enhance your playing assuming that you use both a double pedal, and hi hat when you play. The other thing is that the Janus system is very heavy duty. Solid as a rock. You will never wear it out. It’s as fast as any double bass drum pedal I’ve ever played (and I’ve been playing for over 65 years), and the hi hat is as solid and responsive as the very best. The hi hat stand has tension adjustments, as do the pedals. Everything is solid and heavy metal. Your satisfaction, better yet, your glee, is guaranteed!!!! You might see others advertising the sale of the “Janus” pedals by Mapex, which is basically a standard double bass drum pedal, with no hi hat to switch to. If you are in the geographcial vicinity of Northeast Pennsylvania, you can pick it up at my home/studio at no charge. A lot less than these cost when new years ago. And worth every penny. These don’t come along often, they are rare and outstanding. But it now, or it’ll likely be gone. Cymbals not included (obviously).